Updated by-laws march 2024

"When the Charter Oak congregation approved changing the leadership structure from the Lead Council/congregational model to an Elder/Deacon model in March of 2022, that necessitated updating the current By-laws.  That update was purposely delayed during the transition in order to more effectively deal with other phases and changes necessary with the transition.  It was also the intent to have the updated by-laws approved before a new Lead Pastor was called.

For the past 6 months the Lead Council has been evaluating and discussing the areas that required updating, or needed to be added, and for the past four months has been working through various proposed written drafts.  The draft attached is the one the council would like to present to the congregation for approval.  Before an official vote several informational, or Q&A, times will be offered to discuss the update and answer any questions.  The first one will be March 17 following the worship service.  Others will be scheduled as needed.  Hard copies of the draft are available in the church lobby or can be requested through the church office.

If you have any specific questions or would like an earlier draft for comparison, please feel free to contact the church office, Pastor Glenn or a Lead Council Member. 

The council is excited to be at this point in the transition in preparation for calling a new Lead Pastor."

You can download Draft 5 here.

You can download Draft 5a HERE.

You can download COCC Constitution Updated Draft HERE.